About Beta CRM
CRM as name suggests "Customer Relationship Management" which manages customers basic details like their name, address and phone numbers with respect their contact person (incase of multiple point of contacts).
CRM is the platform which helps to manage relationship with prospective, customers and organize their information. CRM let sales reps and managers to organize meetings and tasks with customers / prospects. App also features google map to locate customers and calendar to provide details of scheduled meetings and tasks.
Recognize Sales
Storing all data related to sales processes establishes a good platform for sales. With critical information at their fingertips at all times and at any location, sales team can keep a close watch on opportunities, competitors, decision-makers and anticipated sales results, and they can take instant action when opportunities occur, making it easier to promote and drive sales.
Set up targeted campaigns
Campaigns are based on the coordination of internal processes and communication between departments. This becomes possible when authorized employees have full insight into client’s details and sales figures all time and works with the updated data. When your sales and marketing departments work together, it ensure that the correct message goes to the target group and to win customers.
Performance by Beta CRM
- Tracks and manages customers and prospects along with tentative customers
- All team comes to one floor and stay connected throughout CRM process
- Allows to manage tasks and meetings of all managers and sales reps simultaneously
Need of Beta CRM
- CRM makes it easy to manage customer of each stage
- Access rights allows to let only considerable members to process on their customers
- Stage wise flow management of customers whether it is lead or prospect or customer, CRM system reduces paper work and works smartly